Privacy Policy

As a supplier of online services your privacy is very important to the Arabian Horse AssociationSM (AHA). We believe that your personal privacy is an important component to ensure continued long-term growth of this web site as part of a premier communication and business environment for the Arabian horse industry. As a customer your privacy is an essential ingredient for us to conduct business on the Internet and we take this issue very seriously.


At times we will make available the names and addresses of AHA Members to third parties for the purpose of distributing equine related literature. At no time will your phone number or email address be released to third parties not affiliated with AHA. If you wish to have your name and mailing address removed from this distribution list, please contact AHA Member Services at 303.696.4500 #2.


AHA has created this privacy statement in order to ensure your confidence in our organization and our commitment to your privacy.


Personal Information

Participation in certain online services and membership programs requires the collection of personal information (for example, your name, address, phone number and e-mail address) for the purpose of conducting business with AHA and its affiliates. In addition to participation in these programs and services, this information is used to contact our web customers for customer service purposes, if or when necessary. By using any interactive portion of this web site, you consent to the collection and use of this information by AHA according to this privacy policy.

  • Registered horse information supplied through the registration process for Arabians, Half-Arabians and Anglo-Arabians is considered public information and is made available through "Arabian Horse DataSource."
  • Names of volunteers to the association such as officers, committee chairs, show managers and secretaries, judges and stewards, and club contacts may be made available in various locations on this web site.
  • Results of horse shows, program participation standings, achievement award winners and other association program results may also be displayed on this web site.


Email Addresses

Email addresses are collected solely for the purpose of communicating with the AHA's customers via a Broadcast E-News, Flash News and for customer service issues. Email addresses are not shared with any third party at any time, for any purpose. However, AHA Member email addresses are provided to AHA Regional Directors for the purpose of publishing a directory for that region. If you wish to have your email address removed from this distribution list, please contact AHA Member Services at 303-696-4500.


Data Security

AHA follows industry standards and practices to safeguard all of the information, both anonymous and personal, that we collect. AHA will provide access to personal information about you only to those AHA employees who need information to do business with you.


Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to collect site usage data and compile statistical reports. In addition to website analytics, Google may share with us anonymous demographic information such as age, gender, and interests.


What we collect

We aggregate both anonymous and personal data. What we collect depends on what you do when you use our web site and on what personal information you elect to give us.


Anonymous data

We collect anonymous data when you visit our site, including your internet address, the time of your visit and the pages that you view. We use this information to monitor and improve the performance of our site so that we can continue to effectively and reliably provide AHA services for our visitors and our company.


Links to other Web Sites

Although this site contains links to other web sites, we do not accept responsibility for the privacy policies or practices or the information contained on those sites.


Correcting Personal Information

Members of AHA can modify their personal information on their individual "My Account" page.


Mobile Information

No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All other categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties


"Cookies" are small pieces of information that are stored by your computer's browser, on your computer's hard drive. Cookies are used to enhance your online experience by speeding up navigation, remembering information such as login name, and enabling custom tailored content. In Internet Explorer, cookies are stored in a common location called "Temporary Internet Files."


If you desire not to accept cookies, the "help" link on the toolbar of most browsers will direct you on how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether.


Browser Cache

The browser cache plays an important role in providing a smooth and speedy surfing experience. The cache is a temporary holding area for images, sounds, videos, and other items that may appear on a web page that you visit. The way the cache works is by eliminating the need to re-download an image or web page if the content has not changed since your last visit.


Changes to this Privacy Policy

AHA reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. If AHA makes any substantial changes in the way your personal information is used, AHA will post a notice on this web site. Please check this page periodically for changes. The document revision date displayed below will indicate when this policy was last revised. Changes to this Privacy Policy that do not affect user information already stored in the database will be posted prominently on AHA’s web site. If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or the online services of this web site, please Contact Us.


Note: In all cases, the names "AHA" and "Arabian Horse Association" are Service Marks of the Arabian Horse AssociationSM, 6030 Greenwood Plaza Blvd, Suite 100, Greenwood Village, CO 80111