Value Show
The AHA Value Show Concept is simple. It provides areas of the country with lower show horse populations, and/or smaller clubs an opportunity to hold AHA qualifying shows that should be financially feasible for their circumstances. Fees and expenses are to remain low for the club or group sponsoring the show, so they can in turn pass on the savings to the exhibitors. Facility requirements need not be that of the "typical Arabian show", and for some Value Shows, may not even have stalling. The outcome is a more affordable way for many of our Arabian exhibitors to show their horses, receive qualifications, and remain involved with the breed.
Comp Lite
AHA and USEF has partnered on the Competition Lite Program. The purpose of USEF Lite is to promote and grow the competition environment. It will provide organizers of new, smaller, or formerly unlicensed competitions across the national breeds and disciplines with an entry point to the Licensed Competition environment by offering discounted fees and fewer barriers to entry.
Click here for USEF requirements