Ethical Practice Review Board
The Ethical Practice Review Board may hear cases on items contained in the AHA Rules of Conduct. An application, with supporting documentation must be received along with the $200 filing fee. Cases will first be reviewed by the Probable Cause Panel and will be forwarded to the Ethical Practice Review Board if the panel determines the following;
- Whether the charges are within the jurisdiction of the EPRB.
- If there appears to be sufficient grounds for a hearing.
- The specific section or sections of the Code which may have been violated by the charged party.
Click here for a list of the charges in which an application may be filed under
EPRB Censures & Suspensions:
The following individuals are under suspension by the AHA Ethical Practice Review Board:
Kramer, Jill, of Simi Valley, California, has violated AHA Rules of Conduct, Ethis 104.19 by the misappropriation of assets of the AHA of San Fernando Valley. Jill Kramer is suspended for four (4) years commencing January 31, 2025. Said suspension includes revocation of AHA membership benefits and privileges, including, but not limited to, denial of entry into AHA programs and events, the removal from AHA boards, commissions, committees and office, termination of Achievement Award point accrual, and Regional and National qualification requirement accumulation. In addition, denial of participation by the individual in any manner in any AHA Recognized Competition. The individual shall not be allowed to be on the competition grounds in any capacity during an AHA Recognized Competition.
Furthermore, the EPRB imposes a $1,000.00 fine against Jill Kramer for her violation of this rule, said fine to be paid to AHA before she can be considered for continued membership in AHA. Additionally, Jill Kramer will be on probation for ten (10) years at the conclusion of her suspension and shall not serve in any position with financial control or access for any member club or at any member club event.
Bogart, Benjamin and Platzer, Michael, of Texas, have violated AHA Rule of Conduct Ethics 104.6 in that they mistreated and neglected Arabian horses under their ownership and/or control. Both Benjamin Bogart and Michael Platzer, individually, are hereby suspended from membership in AHA from September 22, 2018, through September 21, 2020, and are denied all AHA membership privileges, including, but not limited to, denial of entry into any AHA programs and events and denial of participation in any AHA recognized competitions or events for the same period of time.
Furthermore, both Benjamin Bogart and Michael Platzer, individually, are placed on probation for five (5) years commencing on September 22, 2020, through September 21, 2025, subject to the following conditions, and as a prerequisite for reinstatement of membership:
- Within 60 days from the date of this order, and annually thereafter, provide EPRB Staff Liaison with a statement from their attending veterinarian as to the condition of all horses in their care, custody and control. This includes authorization for the EPRB Staff Liaison or a member of the EPRB to contact said veterinarian to confirm the status of any horses in their care, custody and control.
- Must provide to the EPRB Staff Liaison current addresses and notification of any change of addresses from now through the end of probation on September 21, 2025.
In the event a condition is not met within the stipulated time frame, the EPRB has the authority to extend or reinstate the time of Suspension to a date of the EPRB’s determination.
Boyle, Amanda L., aka Lea Boyle, individually and dba Zalea Arabians LLC (Sioux City, IA) – permanent suspension.
Buchanan, Ty (Little Rock, WA)-permanent suspension.
Feuling, Brian, of Hudson, Wisconsin, has violated AHA Rules of Conduct, Ethics 104.19 by the misappropriation of an asset of the Minnesota Arabian Horse Association. Brian Feuling is hereby suspended from Arabian Horse Association membership for a period of five (5) years commencing November 1, 2017. This suspension of membership includes a denial of all Arabian Horse Association privileges, including but not limited to, denial of entry into any AHA programs and events, all AHA registration privileges, and a prohibition of all involvement in and attendance at any and all Arabian Horse Association events, including, but not limited to, all recognized shows. Furthermore, Brian Feuling will be on probation for an additional 3 year period commencing November 1, 2022. Any further violation of the Arabian Horse Association Rules of Conduct during the probation period will result in the above mentioned 5 year penalty period being extended an additional three (3) years from the time of the subsequent finding of a violation of the Rules of Conduct. And, furthermore, the EPRB imposes a fine of $2,500.00 against Brian Feuling for his violation of the Rules of Conduct, said fine to be paid to AHA before he is eligible for membership reinstatement in AHA.
Hart, Christie (Terrebonne, OR) - permanent suspension.
Hayward, Bob (Louis Creek, BC, Canada) - permanent suspension.
Hayward, Jill (Louis Creek, BC, Canada) - permanent suspension.
Lavin, Marjatta, individually and dba Skyland Arabians (Woodstock, VT) - permanent suspension.
Shaffer, Emily Bellows (Chester, NH) - indefinite suspension.
Sperle, Rita (Stroughton, WI) - permanent suspension.
Stream, Linda (Terrebonne, OR) - permanent suspension.
Vince, Robin (Crewe, VA) - permanent suspension.
Vitiello, Rhiannan (Crewe, VA) - permanent suspension.
USEF Safe Sport Reciprocity Suspensions:
A list of individuals that have been permanently banned by the U.S. Center for SafeSport or USEF for violations of the Safe Sport Code of Federation Rules can be found below.
USEF SafeSport Suspensions
This list of individuals are prohibited from participation in any activities and competitions that USEF licenses, endorses, or sponsors. It also includes all AHA/USEF Recognized competitions and non-USEF sanctioned AHA Value Shows and AHA One Day Shows.
Equestrian Canada Sanctions:
This list of individuals are prohibited from participation in any activities and competitions that EC licenses, endorses, or sponsors. It also includes all AHA/EC Recognized competitions/Distance Rides and non-EC sanctioned AHA Value Shows and AHA One Day Shows.
Disciplinary Sanctions
Pecile, Solstice (Bailieboro, ON) – Not in good standing
Other Suspensions:
Hatfield, Susan and Terry (Port Lavaca, TX) - permanent Registration privileges.
Powell, Mark (Riverton, UT) – permanent Registration privileges
Delinquent Payment Suspensions:
Current Member Suspensions:
The following individuals, horses, corporations, partnerships or entities have delinquent accounts with the Arabian Horse Association (AHA), an AHA Member Organization or an AHA Recognized Competition, and are suspended under Chapter 4 of the AHA Handbook. This list only reflects suspensions eligible for publication and in effect as of the published editorial deadline of this issue. Please contact AHA during regular business hours for the complete list, any changes that have occurred since the publication deadline, or a filing form.
- BACH, Barbara – Milford, VA
- BIXLER, Valerie Leigh – Chico, TX
- CONDON, Kelsey – Grant, MD
- DAVID, Chen – Thousand Palms, CA
- DOONER, Kathleen – Carmichael, CA
- EDSALL, Kyle – Scottsdale, AZ
- ENGEN, Sadie – Watertown, MN
- ENGLAND, Karen – Provo, UT
- FORREST, Laurie – Howell, MI
- HANICKER, Adrienne - Olalla, WA
- HEATHCOTT, Steve – Los Olivos, CA
- JANKOVICH, Rebecca Ann – Reno, NV
- JORDAN, Katie – Danville, CA
- KASMAREK, Brittany – Brentwood, CA
- KILLINGSWORTH, Lindsey - Princeton, TX
- LEWIS, Alexandra – Redmond, OR
- LOPEZ, Mary – Reno, NV
- MAHFUZ, Donna – Monroe, GA
- MAYO, Renee – Graceville, FL
- MIDDLETON, Jessica – Silver Springs, NV
- MILLER, Jennifer – Tualatin, OR
- MORRIS, Emily – Pulaski, WI
- MYERS, Leah or Lawrence or Erica or Dylan – Bowie, AZ
- PEREA, Enrique – Atotonilco De Tula, MX
- ORTMANN, Tina – Rich Hill, MO
- RAINS, Christi – Cleburne, TX
- RAUSCH, Devyn – Davis, CA
- READ, JoAnne – Princeton, NC
- READING, Emily – Herriman, UT
- REYNOLDS, Lela – Scottsdale, AZ
- RICHARD, Rebecca – Douglassville, PA
- RICHARD, Taylor – Douglassville, PA
- RYAN-THOMPSON, Carmela – Elkview, WV
- SCHOOLEY, Patti – Poland, OH
- SHALABY, Abode – Scottsdale, AZ
- Sichini Training Center – Ocala, FL
- SICHINI, Lou – Ocala, FL
- SMETTE, Kecia – Phoenix, AZ
- STINSON, Janet or Keith – Sky Valley, CA
- STRAIN, Yekar Ahuva – Corvallis, MT
- TAGGART, Carol- Wadena, MI
- TAYLOR, Shannon - Washoe Valley, NV
- THELL, Madison- Conventry, RI
- VILLEGAS, Eligio – New Carlisle, OH
- WEAVER, Kimberly – Red Bluff, CA
- WHEATON, Scarlett - Allendale, MI
- ZELLMER, Carter - Ft Worth, TX
- ZOUBI, Abdallah - Nazareth
Suspended Horses:
- VASARI AF – AHR 650546