The T.A.I.L program gives adults and children of all ages the opportunity to learn more about the Arabian breed from educated volunteers. The tour will aim to encourage people to enjoy the breed and create a welcoming experience at the show.
By participating in the T.A.I.L. Program, participants will first be greeted by a friendly T.A.I.L. Guide. Then, participants will receive a “T.A.I.L.” bag filled with information about T.A.I.L. and Arabian horses. The bags will also include coloring pages, parts of the horse sheets, and various other educational material. Everyone will have a chance to watch the show, see the behind the scenes action at friendly barns, and even get to meet a friendly Arabian horse or two!
Contact AHA at or 303.696.4505 for more information or with any questions about T.A.I.L. tours.