
Show News

RV Spaces

Please contact the RV Park for help with RV Spaces at U.S. Nationals.


⏵ Announcements

Group Stall Request forms are Due In-House/Electronically dated by Tuesday, September 9, Midnight MT to Guarantee Stalling

ONE form per group and MUST list all owners and horses to be stabled together.  
After September 9th,  stalls are subject to availability AND you must contact the barn manager @ for additional stalls.


New for USN

  • The English Trail  Open and the A/HA/AA Trail Derby will have 1go.
    All other trail classes will have 16 top ranking horses from the Semi-Final advance to the Final.


Added Classes

  • Arabian Ranch Riding Select 19 - 54 AATR Champ
    Arabian Ranch Riding Select 55 AATR & Over Champ
    HA/AA Ranch Riding Select 19 - 54 AATR Champ
    HA/AA Ranch Riding Select 55 AATR & Over Champ
    The above classes will run concurrently with their respective age groups

    A/HA/AA English/Western Trail In-Hand Open CH
    A/HA/AA English/Western Trail In-Hand AATH CH
    A/HA/AA VRH Limited Cow Work Open Exhibition


Class Changes

  • The Aragian and AH/AA Working Cow Junior Horse is now combined to A/HA/AA



⏵ Important Dates & Deadlines

Show Office Hours

Monday - October 13 - Noon - 5 PM
Tuesday - Thursday - October 14 - 17 -  8:30 AM - 5 PM
Friday - Saturday - October 17 - 25 - 7 AM - 1/2 hour after last class


Entry Deadline – Tuesday, August 26, 2025  Midnight (MT)

  • Exhibitors are advised to use a form of expedited, traceable mail service when sending entries in order to ensure entries are received by AHA
  • METERED MAIL will only be accepted with an official postmark from a post office from the country of origin that indicated the location and date the Postal Service accepted custody of a mail piece and cancels affixed postage.


Post Entry Deadlines

New Horses

  • Wednesday, August 27 thru Tuesday, September 9 (New horses may be entered online)
    • $500.00 per horse if qualified for any class before August 27, including classes that require no qualifications.
  • Wednesday, September 10 thru October, 13 @ 5 PM Local Time
    • $2,000 per horse if qualified for any class before August 17, including classes that require no qualifications.


Adding Classes For horses already entered

Must be submitted on an entry form and waivers signed

  • Wednesday, August 27 thru Tuesday, September 9
    • Regular class fee plus $100 late class fee regarless of when qualified, including classes that require no qualifications.
  • Wednesday, September 10 – October 13 @ 5 pm Local Time 
    • Regular class fee plus $500 late class fee regardless of when qualified, including classes that require no qualifications.


  • NO ENTRIES ACCEPTED AFTER October 13 @ 5 pm Local time for any reason.


If you are not qualified for ANY class on August 27th, you can enter once qualified, and there is no post or late class fee due.


Entering Classes Not Qualified by the Closing Date

Horses and riders that enter by August 27 but are not qualified for some class(es) but intend to qualify for the class(es) before the start of the National Show they are entering, MUST enter the non qualified class(es) and pay the fees. If you do not qualify for the class by the show, the class fee will be refunded.


Progarm classes - AEPA, AHPA, AWPA, AWWA and AHA Futurities, Maturities and classes that only require the horse to be Sweepsakes nominated (ABS AAOTR Jackpot) MUST be entered by August 27 to avoid the post fee.


Entering non-qualified class(es) by August 27 helps to determine if a class must be split and a revised schedule can be published before the start of the show.


Qualifications for classes can be earned up to the start of the show.




⏵ Refund Information

All refunds are done after the show unless otherwise requested

Entries paid with a Credit card will be refunded to the Credit Card used for that entry. Entries paid by check will be refunded by check to the person who cut the check.

Cancellations are made upon receipt of a dated suitable Veterinarian/Doctor’s certificate on their official letterhead attesting to the illness or injury date, along with a letter from the exhibitor explaining the circumstances.

The fees refunded are as follows:

Received/Electronically Dated to the AHA office by:

  1. If an entry is canceled before the initial close, all but the office fee will be refunded, regardless of the reason.
  2. On or before 30 days before the first day of the show. All but the office fee.
  3. After 30 days and by 10 days before the show's first day: class entry & related class fees (see exceptions below), the 9-90 fee, and the USEF fee.
  4. After 10 days and during the show, the request must be made in writing to the show commission for review. Must be received OR electronically dated on or before the show's last day.

Exceptions – Halter Futurity (please refer to FUT 102), Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby fees (please refer to PERF 107.9 and PERF 107.12), and ABS AAOTR Jackpot Fee (please refer to SWP 116.9 and SWP 116.10

If an injured horse is enrolled into the Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby Program, submit the vet statement to as well as


U.S.Nationals Dates

Closing Date 30 Days 10 Days
August 26 Sept. 16 Oct. 6



⏵ Arrival & Stalling Information

Group Stall Request forms are Due In-House/Electronically dated by Tuesday, September 9, Midnight MT to Guarantee Stalling

ONE form per group and MUST list all owners and horses to be stabled together.  
After September 9, stalls are subject to availability and you must contact the barn manager @ for additional stalls.



After Tuesday, September,  you will need to order directly from:  


Arrival & Stalling Information

Absolutely No Arrival for any purpose PRIOR TO 8am Saturday, Oct. 11


Facility Shipping Information


Packages sent to the horse show will only be accepted from Oct. 14 - 26 


Please Note that the Maintenance Building is Not Open on Saturday or Sunday for Delivery or Pick Up Entry 

Maintenance Hours:

  Monday - Friday   8:30am - 11am
      12:30pm - 4pm


All packages must be picked up at the Freight Office (maintenance building on the north side of the facility) and no packages will be delivered to the show office.


Neither AHA nor Expo Square is responsible for lost or stolen packages.


Tulsa Expo Square Freight Office Physical address:

Expo Square

Arabian U.S. Nationals

(Include Exhibitor/Vender/Stable Name)

4000 E 15th St, Tulsa, OK  74112

(918) 728-3248




Email Updates Icon Schedule Icon Facility Map Icon
Email Updates Schedule
Facility Info Expo Square

4000 East 15th St.

Tulsa, OK 74112


Facility Map




Exhibitor Information




Exhibitor Forms









ExpoServe 4153 East 21st Street

Tulsa, OK 74114




Midwest Decorating Company 1510 S. Memorial Drive

Tulsa, OK 74112


Equine Service Provider

Vendor Form

Equine Service Provider Vendor Form



Bobby Waters & Wrecking Crew



Expo Feed & Bedding Phone: 918.728.3299

Golf Carts

Forewheeler Golf Cars


Medical Services

Equestrian Medical Services, LLC 11413 NW 121st Place

Yukon, OK 73099


Howard Schatzberg Photography

PO Box 1570

Cave Creek, AZ 85327



Tulsa Expo Square PO Box 4735

Tulsa, OK 74159

918.744.1113 ext. 2144

Stall Mats

Elite Stall Mat Rentals

855-MATS-200 (855-628-7200)


Sooner Produce

10% Discount to Members on Floral for U.S. Nationals

Mention you are with the Arabian Nationals

3212 E 91st St, Tulsa, OK 74137

Sean Frates- 918-527-5661 (call or text)



Equine Athlete Veterinary Services




Hyatt Regency Tulsa - Official Host Hotel

100 E 2nd St

Tulsa, OK 74103


Book Now


Embassy Suites by Hilton Tulsa I-44

332 South 79th East Avenue

Tulsa, OK 74145


Book Online

Book Online

Future Show Dates

Show Dates Location Closing Date
October 16-25, 2025 Tulsa, OK  


For additional information or questions please contact National Events at