Halter Futurity

Anyone Can Dream - Anyone Can Win


Comp_HalterFut_PicOver $141,000 paid out in 2024 for US and Canadian Halter Futurity!

The US Halter Futurity is AHA's lowest enrollment fee Prize Money Program.  This is for 3-year-old horses at the U.S. National Championship Show.  Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian foals must have been enrolled in-utero and renominated each year to be eligible to compete.


  • Futurity horses have more market value                   
  • Bring attention to your breeding program
  • Attract new buyers





  • AHA Foreign Members Who Earn Prize Money

    Foreign residents winning prize money at an event held in the States will be subject to income tax of 30% per Internal Revenue Service regulations.  This amount will be withheld from total winnings.
    Click Here for More Information.




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Program Updates


2025 Canadian Halter Futurity Classes

This is the last year for the Canadian Halter Futurity Classes.

The 2025 Canadian Halter Futurity Classes will be held at the 2025 US National Championship Show.  These classes will be held separate from the US National Halter Futurity classes and will be adjudicated by a separate panel of judges.   Be sure to renominate your horse(s) in the Canadian National Halter Futurity Program so they will be eligible to be shown in 2025.



Halter Futurity Renominations must be postmarked/electronic transaction dated by December 31, 2024.  Horses that have not been renominated for 2024 are postmarked/electronic transaction dated after December 31st and by March 31st will be assessed a $100 late fee per horse/per country.


You can renew on-line or by submitting the completed form with payment to AHA via fax, US Mail or email (pdf format) to info.comp@arabianhorses.org You may also contact the AHA office at 303-696-4500, option 1 and renew over the phone. 


Click here for instructions on how to renew online.



Horses that are not renominated in the US and/or Canadian Halter Futurity are automatically dropped from the program.  However, horses can be reinstated by paying the appropriate fees.


Horses that are not reinstated into the program by the original close of entries for that show will be notified and will be given seven (7) days to buy back into the program.  Horses that are not reinstated within the seven (7) days of notification of payment for reinstatement will remain dropped from the Halter Futurity Program.  The horse will not be allowed to be reinstated into the program and will not be eligible to show in the Halter Futurity Class(es).




Due to the Canadian National Show being suspended indefinitely, the Canadian Halter Futurity Program was discontinued beginning with the 2023 foaling year.


  • The 2025 Canadian Halter Futurity classes will be held at the 2025 US National Championship Show. These will be held as separate classes from the US National Halter Futurity Classes and adjudicated by a separate panel of judges.


  • Foals born in 2022 that will show in 2025 will be allowed to show. 




Nominations and Renominations - National Halter Futurity Program

  • In-utero nomination/horse/country:
  • One-time processing fee/horse/country:
  • Weanling year renomination/horse/country:
  • Yearling year renomination/horse/country:
  • Two-year-old year renomination/horse/country:


Halter Futurity Buyback Program


If your horse has been dropped from the Halter Futurity Program due to non-payment, it may be reinstated by paying the following fees:
  • Arabians - $500 per horse/per country for each year missed in addition to the $35 renomination fee per horse/per country for each year missed.
  • Half-Arabians/Anglo-Arabians - $250 per horse/per country for each year missed in addition to the $35 renomination fee per horse/per country for each year missed.
  • In order to be eligible for the Halter Futurity Buyback Program, the horse must have originally been enrolled in-utero.


Office Charges


  • Renomination late fee /horse/country:
    (in addition to renomination, payment postmarked/transaction dated between January 1 and March 31)
  • Deceased foal replacement fee/horse:





DNA Parentage Requirement


All Half-Arabian Halter Futurity, Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby, AEPA and AWPA classes at U.S. Nationals and Canadian Nationals will require DNA testing.  DNA type of the horse and the horse's Purebred Arabian parent must be placed on permanent record with the AHA Registry and the horse has been shown to qualify as an offspring of the stated purebred sire or purebred dam through DNA type testing. DNA testing will be at the owner's expense and must be on file with the AHA office before the horse will be eligible to compete. If the DNA is not on file at that time, the horse is ineligible to be shown and all nomination fees will be forfeited. 


To obtain a DNA testing kit for Half-Arabians, please contact Registry Services at 303.696.4500 option 2.



Halter Futurity Payouts


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For additional information, contact Competition Services at 303.696.4500 Option 1

or info.comp@arabianhorses.org