Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby Program

Anyone Can Dream - Anyone Can Win


Comp_Perf_FutMat_ImageOver $342,000 paid out in 2024 for U.S National Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby


Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabians can compete in Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby classes at U.S. Nationals and in Performance Maturity at Sport Horse Nationals. These classes feature the best of the breed's young athletes, some of these young horses are sold before they even leave the arena. A wonderful marketplace to showcase the best and brightest that the industry offers.




  • Payout for these classes is based on the number of horses shown in the class. If fewer than nineteen horses are shown in the class, 50% of the class rounded up, will be eligible for Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby prize money.  Any remaining Top Ten money will be divided equally between all Top Ten placings.


  • AHA Foreign Members Who Earn Prize Money

    Foreign residents winning prize money at an event held in the States will be subject to income tax of 30% per Internal Revenue Service regulations.  This amount will be withheld from total winnings.
    Click Here for More Information.


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Program Updates


New for the 2025 Competition year



  • The Arabian Working Cow Horse Futurity (Class 262) and the HA/AA Working Cow Horse Futurity (Class 1923) have been discontinued.  Effective immediately.


  • The Open Reining Derby (Class 1386 and the HA/AA Open Reining Derby (Class 1387) have been placed on a two (2) year probation.  Class participation must increase to at least 6 horses per class in 2025 and 2026.



  • The Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle AOTR Maturity (Class 1743) and the HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle AOTR Maturity (Class 1744) have been placed on a two (2) year probation.  Class participation must increase to at least 6 horses per class in 2025 and 2026.




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There are 3 parts to participate in the US National Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby Program or the Sport Horse National Performance Maturity Program:

  1. Enrollment into the appropriate Performance Program for US Nationals or Sport Horse Nationals.
  2. Entry into the corresponding class for that National Show
  3. All Half-Arabians competing in the USN Futurity/Maturity/Derby Classes and the Sport Horse Nationals Maturity Classes must have parentage DNA verified to a purebred Arabian parent and on file at the AHA office before they are allowed to compete.


  • Cross Entry

The AHA Futurity Commission has approved cross entry in the Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby Classes as follows:

PERF 102. - Showing in any of these Futurity/Maturity/Derby classes does not prohibit a horse from being entered in any other U. S. National class for which it is qualified, except for:

    1. Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo Arabian Western Pleasure Futurity are prohibited from showing in the corresponding Open Western Pleasure class. (BOD 11/23)
    2. Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure Futurity are prohibited from showing in the corresponding Open Hunter Pleasure class. (BOD 11/23)
    3. Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian English Pleasure Futurity are prohibited from showing in the corresponding Open English Pleasure class. (BOD 11/23)
    4. Arabian and Half-Arabian Reining Futurity 3 and 4-year-olds are prohibited from showing in the corresponding Open Reining class. (BOD 4/24)
    5. Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Country English Pleasure Futurity are prohibited from showing in the corresponding Open Country English Pleasure class.  (BOD 11/23)
    6. Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Western Trail Futurity 3-year-olds are prohibited from showing in the corresponding Western Open Trail class.  (BOD 3/24)
    7. Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Herd Work Futurity 3 and 4-year-olds are prohibited from showing in the corresponding Open Herd Work Class. (BOD 3/24)
    8. Arabian/Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Ranch Horse Futurity 3-year-olds are prohibited from showing in the corresponding Open Ranch Horse Class. (BOD 3/24)

Note: Half-Arabians competing in the Futurity/Maturity/Derby Classes must have parentage DNA verified to the purebred Arabian parent on file at the AHA office before they are allowed to compete.


Owners wishing to compete in this program must enroll in the program either by making payments or one lump sum.



Note: Horses cannot be shown under the two distinct non family co-owner rule in Performance Maturity AAO classes per USEF AR110


DNA Parentage Requirement


All Half-Arabians participating in the Halter Futurity Program, Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby Program and the Performance Maturity Program at Canadian Nationals, Sport Horse Nationals and U.S. Nationals will require DNA testing. DNA type of the horse and the horse's Purebred Arabian parent must be placed on permanent record with the AHA Registry and the horse has been shown to qualify as an offspring of the stated purebred sire or purebred dam through DNA type testing. DNA testing will be at the owner's expense and must be on file with the AHA office before the horse will be eligible to compete. If the DNA is not on file at that time, the horse is ineligible to be shown and all nomination fees will be forfeited. 


To obtain a DNA testing kit for Half-Arabians, please contact Registry Services at 303.696-4500 option 2.



  • Payout for these classes is based on the number of horses shown in the class. If fewer than nineteen horses are shown in the class, 50% of the class rounded up, will be eligible for Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby prize money.  Any remaining Top Ten money will be divided equally between all Top Ten placings.

U.S. National Payouts


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Sport Horse National Payouts


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For additional information, contact Competition Services at 303.696.4500 Option 1
