One of life's most rewarding journeys is finding, purchasing and owning an Arabian horse - a breed unmatched for their beauty, versatility and companionship. These AHA programs were created to help you make that journey and get involved with Arabian horses near you!

Community Events
Check out the events list to see what is happening in your area. Attend a local horse show, find a TAIL tour (backstage experience), or find another Meet an Arabian Horse event near you.

Get Local
The best way to be connected in the Arabian Horse Industry is through one of AHA's many clubs and discovery farms. You can find clubs in your area, by visiting our Club Map. Select your region from the map and then locate the club closest to you.
Discovery Farms are a great way to met and learn about the Arabian horse. To find a discovery farm near you visit our Get Local Map!

Arabian Recreational Riding Program
The Arabian Recreational Riding Program (ARRP) is an online program that rewards riders for every hour they spend riding (or driving) their horse. Participants can submit entries for trail rides, ranch work, parades, riding lessons, local open shows (Saddle Club, 4-H, etc.) or just pleasure riding.

Achievement Awards
Both you and your horse can earn recognition through the AHA Achievement Awards programs. Once you sign up, amateur rider and horse points are tracked automatically throughout the year every time you compete in AHA shows/rides and some open events.
- Amateur Achievement Awards - assigns points to individual riders, handlers and drivers. Riders don't have to own the horse they compete with since these program tracks riders only.
- Achievement Awards - assigns points to individual horse and have permanent symbols added to their name, signifying honor and prestige. There are six different levels that could leave your horse a legacy.

Recognition Awards
- Ambassador Award - for outstanding achievement in representing the Arabian Horse community to the general public. The horse must have achieved a unique accomplishment that showcases the breed.
- Open Competition Award - for outstanding achievement in representing the Arabian Horse community in areas of Open Competition and the horse must have received acknowledgement at the higher levels of competition and/or shown progressive and consistent accomplishment within a discipline.
- Distance Horse of the Year - an award that recognizes the significant accomplishment of an Arabian, Half-Arabian or Anglo-Arabian Horse in distance sports.
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