Become a Judge

Below we will walk through the steps of how to become an AHA Judge and once you are a judge, how to move up through the levels.


For information on being a judge through USEF or through EC, please use these links. 

  • For complete USEF licensing information, use the following link.
  • For complete EC licensing information, use the following link.



Where to Start? - How to Become a Small r Judge




1. Meet Membership & Age Requirement

  • AHA member for two years before initiating the USEF checklist process with a variance if holding another judges’ card with USEF
  • Apprentices must be 21 years of age or older.




2. Attend Exhibitors/Judges School & USEF Licensed Officials Checklist

  • Attend all sessions of the AHA Exhibitors/Judges School
  • Initiate your USEF Licensed Officials Checklist no later than six months after attending the Exhibitors/Judges School




3. Complete Apprentice Judging

  • Apprentice a minimum of five (5) days with 3 different “R” Arabian judges at two different locations
  • Upload apprentice evaluation forms through USEF Checklist




4. Submit AHA Evaluation Application

  • Submit application for AHA Evaluation, with fees and list of references




5. Successfully pass Testing & Interview

  • In-person Evaluation/Testing
    • Held in conjunction with Exhibitors/Judges School and Judges Seminar

    • Written exams

    • Video testing

    • Live judging

    • Interview




6. Complete USEF process



Earning a Large R Promotion



1. Judges Licensed Official Checklist

  • Start your USEF Licensed Official checklist

2. Officiate a minimum of 5 days

  • 6hrs each day
  • minimum of 2 USEF/AHA competitions within the past 4 years.
  • at least 1 show needs to be outside of applicants AHA region.



3. Judge a minimum of 440 horses/entries

  • within past 6 years



4. Complete Form and Take Exam

  • Submit Application & Officiating Reporting Form to AHA
  • Take AHA Large R Promotion Exam through USEF


  5. Await USEF Approval



Promote to a National/Regional Rating



1. Complete each of the following:

  • Must be current "R" registered judge with USEF or EC
  • Must have maintained "R" rating for a minimum of 6 years and attended a minimum of 2 judges annual seminars
  • Must have judged a minimum of 10 USEF/AHA or EC/AHA Recognized shows within the past 8 years, one of which must have been at least 150 horses or you served as a Mentor Judge




2. Submit Application and Intent to Interview

  • Submit forms before that years Judges School & Seminar



3. Interview

  • Interview with EEC during Annual Judges School & Seminar


Necessary Forms:


For additional information, contact