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Discover the Magic in YOUth



Youth Theme Logo

Join us each month as we encourage our youth to embrace exciting challenges that unveil their unique magic.  


Remember to tag our AHYA accounts in your posts and use #DiscovertheMagicinYOUth. Each month we will choose a winner who will be awarded an AHYA swag item.


Let the magic unfold!


  • January - Discover the Magic in the Arabian Horse
  • February - The Magic in Sportsmanship
  • March - The Magic in Friendship
  • April - The Magic in Perserverence
  • May - The Magic in Community
  • June - The Magic in Leadership
  • July - The Magic in Outreach/Volunteering
  • August - The Magic in Unity
  • September - The Magic in Respect
  • October - The Magic in Optimism
  • November - The Magic in Kindness
  • December - The Magic in Fun


 Youth Convention


2024 AHYA Convention - OKC July 17th

Each year AHYA members get together to gain leadership skills, learn what AHYA has to offer, meet other youth from across the country and vote on your new executive leaders.


  • In Person
    • pick up your exhibitor t-shirt at YNL
    • meet other youth from around the country
    • participate in some fun activities
    • hear from your AHYA board membersConvention
  • Voting
    • Elections will be available online this year!
    • Please know how to login to the AHA website to participate and cast your vote for the next AHYA officer team. 
    • All active youth members are eligible to vote
    • Click on the vote now button to access voting
    • Voting will be available until July 19th at noon CST




YOTY SubBrand Logo

2023 AHA Youth of the Year: Marin McKee, Region 5


YOTY Marin McKee 2023At the 2023 Annual AHA Membership Convention Awards Banquet it was announced that Medical Lake, Washington youth Marin McKee is the recipient of the 2023 AHA Youth of the Year award. Grace receives the Youth of the Year perpetual trophy as well as a $5,000 scholarship from the Arabian Horse Foundation. 


Compassion, humility, and motivation are the foundation of this young woman’s approach to life. She is currently enrolled at Rocky Mountain College in Billings Montana, studying within the Equine Program and competing on the Intercollegiate Equestrian Team. She has been active in her high school volleyball team and gives back by helping out the middle school team during their season. She is involved in numerous community service projects and involved in tutoring at her high school.


Moreover, our Youth of the Year has and is an important part of the Arabian Horse Youth Association. She not only served two years as the AHYA Vice President, but in her own region she shared the Are U Okay? Program by posting up kindness boards at the shows. Beyond this she was involved in running all youth activities at shows as well as this last year working with their new Director to help make a smooth transition as she moved onto college.


Marin McKee is a leader among her peers, serving her breed and others with a selfless attitude and the heart of a champion. AHA is proud to call her our 2023 ‘Youth of the Year’.


AHA would also like to congratulate, Ms Hannah Hiiva from Region 5 as the first runner-up for ‘Youth of the Year’ and earning a $1000 scholarship from the Arabian Horse Youth Association and Ms Mikayla Clement from Region 12 as the second runner-up. Congrats to all!



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Are U Okay?

AHYA Board member Grace Smith has been championing the Are U Okay campaign for Mental Health Awareness. How can we as an Association be more carring about our fellow members and remember to check-in on them to see how they are doing.

Are U Okay Infographic